Monday, August 3, 2009

Hello World!!

Hey world, its simire here. I havent been on here in a bit and my partner in crime snt here man. He's off in virgina beach fighting dolphin gangs lol. But here in philly, im just chilling, skate boarding and tryna keep my head stress free man. This past weekend was pretty dope. I picked up Fabolous new album "Loso's Way" and i gotta say its pretty cool. One of the best albums this year. I also copped some new glasses, there pretty dope and some pics will be up soon. Some things to look foward to this week besides kagiso coming back is a group photo shoot that will be pretty dope and more awsome blogs that will keep you guys interested in us more. Peace out you guys and keep yall heads up

Oh yea go get Fabolous new album "Loso's Way"

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