Friday, July 24, 2009

Just an Introduction!

Hello World!!!!! I am Kagiso Reed but call me FrOZ (like fries but with an "O"), and I'm Simire (Sah-mere) but call me Mire for now. We are both two teens who live in Philadelphia, Pa who have a lot in common. Like a lot of adults say we have good heads on our shoulders and they tend to butter us up LOL! We decided we'd blog because it's a good form of self expression and great way to network with many of bloggers and for our female bloggers "bloggets". We love the whole "Hypebeast" culture and creativity. In Philly we suffer of a very dangerous epidemic the "Polohatandmiddlefinger virus". It seems that slowly but surely chivalry is dying but we are here to prove at least one part of the world is still alive and thriving with Morality! On this blog we will be very general but cool we will talk about clothes, sneakers, and whatever esle peaks our intrest. We love people and good time although mental sweats are also very important!!

1 comment:

  1. guys seem very interesting and funny!
    ''bloggets'' and ''polohatandmiddlefinger virus''! comedy nd clever!

    Ur blog is lookn really kewl!!
    it official im followin you, SO FOLLOW ME FOLLOW ME!!!

    P.S. When you follow me expect to get weekly comments frm me jus kuz i like to interact with all of my followers
