Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy ThanksGiving Peeps & Peepettes

Wow this is gonna be hard... this delay is unexcusable lol. Nah Just kidding It's Kagiso here (FrOZXcAdet). I've been doing tons of college - prep. work! I hate it, you hate so we are all understanding here. Anyway Wiz Khalifa's album dropped the 24th Swwwweeeeet! It's actually quite amazing! In fact I think it's bound to get Him signed! I'm back and we are up and running like this machine should no more crazy Hiatuses or hiatusis lol! I dont even know if thats a word! Peace and may the force be with you Hang ten kIMOSABE!

P.S Dont be mad at us for not being here in awhile because what would Kanye Do?

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